20 Honest Illustrations That Depict the Harsh Truth of the World We Live In Today

Dr stacy
3 min readFeb 5, 2019


This year will mark the end of the decade and if we reflect on the years gone by, we will of course learn how many meaningful things have happened in respect to the world, life in general and of course our own lives. The last ten years have seen huge advancements in technology but more than that is the advent and rapid progress of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Some of these illustrations rightly depict how such platforms have taken over many people’s lives living an alternate life on the internet that is in sharp contrast to reality. Here are 20 illustrations that rightly depict the negative and positive aspects of life in the last decade.

1 Happy on social media

This is a classic scenario of today. Instagram is an obsession where you just have to keep up a farce and be a painted clown showing that duck face, smiles, thumbs up signs and what not to show what a wonderful life you may be having when deep down you may be weeping instead.

Image Source: www.anonews.co

2The ass tree

The concept of the couch potato is still very much alive. Moreover, there are many who simply keep lapping up whatever the television throws at them so much so they get rooted to their seats which is what the illustration shows.

Image Source: sinaimg.cn

3it’s still a man’s world

The illustration shows only empty text bubbles but no words need be spoken in this image that shows the man’s bubble above the woman’s one. This is to show how in spite of progress, women are still discriminated against.

Image Source: www.johnholcroft.com

4Child labor

Even till today, there is a sizeable population of children working an adult’s 8 hour shift especially in factories and sheds of developing countries. It is a no win situation because while NGO’s try their best to get children out of the working environment, there is no one else earning for the family.

Image Source: ipinimg.com

5Who knows, this could happen

With astronomy and the latest space telescopes picking up signals from outer space, who knows what is lurking out there. Perhaps, we too may be a species to aliens just like animals are to us. Till now humans are considered the highest in the circle of life, but are we?

Image Source: imgur.com

Originally published at https://www.zeptha.com on February 5, 2019.



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